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External Star Washers

Materials Specifications
Stainless steel Electro zinc plated
DIN 2093 (TYPE A)

Materials Specifications
Stainless steel Electro zinc plated
DIN 2093 (TYPE A)

Product Description

They are designed to prevent a nut or bolt head from loosening with the strut action of the teeth. They work exceptional way with larger screw or bolt heads. The purpose of installing washers in a typical bolting system is to distribute the loads under bolt heads and nuts by providing a larger area under stress.

  • Used for high vibration resistance due to positive rib contact.
  • Excellent Pretensioning.
  • Through proper radius selection, no splitting/cracking occurs during tightening.
  • The concentric force of the washer eliminates the chances of bending the fastener.
  • Extensive application and flexibility, minimizes stocks.


    75, Nagdevi Cross Lane , Mumbai- 400003
    Dilip Shah +91 98211 52421Jainam Shah +91 99306 07357


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